*Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for our COVID-19 Response updates*


COVID-19 Response Update

At LAPA, our number 1 priority is the health and safety of our clients and staff. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have written office-wide protocols to support social distancing guidelines, state, county, and city mandates, and CDC recommendations. We have shifted large portions of our assessment protocol to being completed via HIPAA compliant telehealth platforms, but for some measures of functioning, it is important to have an in-office visit to gather the most accurate information. Should your assessment require time spent in our office, we will thoroughly review our COVID-19 health and safety procedures with you prior to your scheduled appointment.

What makes LA Psych Assessment Different?

Many psychologists break testing up into short 1-2 hour appointments. At LA Psych Assessment, we believe it is important to see how you/your child functions in a setting similar to that of the school/work setting (multiple hours with short breaks). We also want the process to be as convenient for the client as possible and want you to miss as few days of school/work as we can. We typically are able to finish our testing process in one appointment. This allows for an expedited testing process from start to finish. Once all information is gathered, we will schedule your feedback appointment for approximately two weeks later (this is dependent on the complexity of your case). At this appointment, we will review the results of the testing and any applicable diagnoses. One week after this appointment you will receive an easy to read report that will cover the testing results, diagnosis, and recommendations.
Our easy to read the report. Traditional Psychological Assessment reports are lengthy and wordy. They use psychological jargon to “explain” the results of your testing. Our reports are easy to read and understand. We use easy to follow charts that explain the assessment results, scores, and what those scores mean to you. We also provide clear, organized, and easy to understand recommendations.

Does everyone do the same tests?

No. Each client will receive an individualized battery of tests that are customized to each client’s needs and presenting concerns. For this reason, the length of time each assessment takes can vary.

How should I prepare for my appointment?

  • Have your intake paperwork filled out and completed at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment
  • Bring with you all previous psychological testing records or appropriate mental/medical records
  • Do not take any stimulant medication 18 hours before the scheduled appointment
  • Try to get a good night sleep before the scheduled appointment
  • Eat breakfast or lunch before your appointment

What are the steps of the testing process for an adult client?

Before the day of testing:
Once you have completed the online interest form, you will be contacted to schedule your testing appointment. Once your appointment has been scheduled, you will receive your intake paperwork. Please have this paperwork filled out no less than 24 hours prior to your appointment time so it can be reviewed by the doctor before your appointment. This saves YOU time on the day of your appointment.

Day of Testing:
At this appointment, you will meet with the doctor to complete a comprehensive intake and diagnostic interview. During this time, they will review the information provided in your paperwork, gather further needed information, and prepare you for the testing process.  You will begin the testing process with your assessor. You will be doing things like answering questions, playing games, working on an iPad, computer, and questionnaires. You should plan to be present for about 4 hours.

After Testing:
Your initial data will be reviewed and you will be contacted to either schedule a feedback appointment or come to the office to complete additional testing. After the testing process is completed, you will be scheduled for a feedback appointment (approximately 2 weeks after testing is completed) At the feedback appointment, the doctor will review your data and results and indicate if you meet the criteria for any diagnoses, referrals, and recommendations. One week after the feedback appointment you will be provided with a completed report including all of this information in an easy to read/understand format.  

What are the steps of the testing process for a minor client?

Before the day of testing:      
Once you (the parent/guardian) have completed the interest form, you will be contacted to schedule your child’s testing appointment. Once the appointment has been scheduled, you will receive your child’s intake paperwork. Please have this paperwork filled out no less than 24 hours prior to your appointment time so it can be reviewed by the doctor before your appointment. This saves YOU time on the day of your appointment.

Day of Testing:
At this appointment, you will meet with the doctor to complete a comprehensive intake and interview while your child begins the testing process with their assessor. While your child completes the testing process, you will work on parent-report measures and the doctor will also complete an intake with your child. Your child will be doing things like answering questions, playing games, working on an iPad, computer, and questionnaires. You should plan to be present for about 4 hours. Please considering bringing snacks or any comfort items your child may need.  

After Testing:
Your child’s initial data will be reviewed and you will be contacted to either schedule a feedback appointment or come to the office to complete more testing. After the testing process is completed, you will be scheduled for a feedback appointment (approximately 2 weeks after testing is completed) At the feedback appointment, the doctor will review your child’s data and results and indicate if your child meets criteria for any diagnoses, referrals, and recommendations (child does not need to be present for the feedback appointment in most instances) One week after the feedback appointment you will be provided with a completed report including all of this information in an easy to read/understand format.

How much does Psychological Assessment Cost?

The cost of each assessment varies as it is based on the amount of time needed to complete a comprehensive evaluation. As every client has different needs, different assessments are selected and administered. The average cost for an assessment ranges from $3,500-$6,000.

Do you take insurance?

Please check our provider page to see the most up to date information for what insurance companies each provider is paneled with. For the insurance companies we are unable to become paneled with, if requested, we will provide you with a Superbill at the time of your appointment. You can submit this form to your insurance company for possible, but not guaranteed, reimbursement.